the astrologer造句

"the astrologer"是什么意思   


  1. This was quite a success for the astrologers .
  2. The astrologer claimed to be able to divine the future
  3. I still remember the astrologer saying that
  4. The astrologers answered the king , " there is not a man on earth who can do what the king asks
  5. I was also told by the astrologer that if i move to another time zone i should have better income
  6. It's difficult to find the astrologer in a sentence. 用the astrologer造句挺难的
  7. There was one guy whom the astrologer told , " next week , by next week , you are going to die of a car accident .
  8. Herod next called the astrologers to meet him in private , and ascertained from them the time when the star had appeared
  9. Let the astrologers , who gaze at the stars , who predict according to the new moons , stand up and save you from what is coming upon you
  10. Let now the astrologers , the stargazers , the monthly prognosticators , stand up , and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee
  11. This is the doggies predictions , in order to commemorate this extraordinary year , it decided to explore see theirs impossible for the astrologer
  12. Introduction : this is the doggies predictions , in order to commemorate this extraordinary year , it decided to explore see theirs impossible for the astrologer
  13. Those were the words of the astrologer , but master doesn t care about astrology or mythologies of any kind . instead she stresses : we are the ones who create the future
  14. " you are wearied with your many counsels ; let now the astrologers , those who prophesy by the stars , those who predict by the new moons , stand up and save you from what will come upon you
    赛47 : 13你筹划太多、以至疲倦让那些观天象的、看星宿的、在月朔说豫言的、都站起来、救你脱离所要临到你的事。
  15. We see likewise , the scripture call envy an evil eye ; and the astrologers , call the evil influences of the stars , evil aspects ; so that still there seem to be acknowledged , in the act of envy , an ejaculation or irradiation of the eye
    我们同样可以见到, 《圣经》中把嫉妒称为“毒眼” ,占星术上则把不吉之星力叫作“凶象” ,以致世人似乎至今还承认,当嫉妒行为发生时,嫉妒者会眼红或曰红眼。
  16. 更多例句:  下一页


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